– Import and Export Procedures
– Auto Customs Clearance
– Control random within the system to the final destination
– Attention to all customs administrations and offices nationwide
We offer the following services preferential:
– Extraordinary Time, only for customs personnel when required and authorized by the client.
In order to ensure efficiency in all of its services; PAMER, S.A. has a highly qualified staff counting all communications equipment (Telefonía Móviles) to keep in touch 24 hours with the Central Office. We work with all borders and border agencies, such as: El Espino, Las Manos, El Guasaule, Peñas Blancas, Puerto Corinto and other delegations in Different Customs bonded warehouses of Managua.
We are also connected with the National Network of Computerized Settlement System Duties and Taxes on imports of Goods Act AutoDespacho.
By the turn of our business, we have established an uninterrupted schedule, so we guarantee a better service and customer satisfaction.